叠辞驳辞迟谩, DC
The 2nd Steering Committee meeting for the Centres of Excellence of the Americas region was organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the ITU, in Bogota, Colombia, from 25 to 27 of November 2015 and hosted by the Centro de Investigaci贸n y Desarrollo en Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y las Comunicaciones (CINTEL) in close collaboration with the Ministerio de Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y las Comunicaciones de Colombia and the Agencia Nacional del Espectro-ANE, as academic partner.
The objective of the meeting was to enable the Steering Committee to provide strategic decisions on administrative and operational aspects based on the experience of the implementation of activities developed during 2015 and the first year of the transition towards the new strategic framework of the Centres of Excellence, mainly considering the challenges, best practices and lessons learned for the improvement and the continuous adjustment to the rules set out in the document on operational procedures and processes. In addition, it provided support to the discussions on the annual training plan for 2016, as well as strategies for partnership between the regional Centres and the quality of the activities.